Sunday, May 26, 2013

For The Love of Suitcases!

I love vintage suitcases.

I found this great suitcase at my favorite thrift store recently.  The base came from a garage sale for less than a dollar. The label on the front bothers me but I have not decided what to do with it. I am so jealous of the pictures I see on other blogs and on pinterest.  I tried to "stage" this picture but it is still a work in progress.

This creation went to live at its new home this weekend. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Dumpster Thursday


This is a bookshelf I found on trash day. It was  homemade  and probably storage from someone's garage.

The back they had put on the shelves was thick and uneven.  I wanted to cover it with trim.

The front also needed some trim.  I had four spindles and was too lazy to go to the store to buy trim.  I used the spindles to trim out the edges. 
I liked how the spindles worked with the shelves.  The cat seems to like it also.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Another Drawer Table

I love things in multiples! I made a green table last week and now I am ready to show you another table I made using an old drawer. I seem to be stuck repurposing drawers! The drawer came from the Waco Restore. The cool legs were $1 at a flea market in Huntsville. I made it as a cat bed, but the cat hates it!

Showing off at:  I am so excited about this great link up.
recipe-linky-partyThis is a great party!  The Life of Jennifer Dawn I also linked up with: ,

Also make sure to visit: , her blog is a favorite of mine!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Green Table

I  have always loved the two toned look. My mom had a tan and brown colored blocked car coat (is that still a word?) when I was young and I loved the way it looked on her. I have been working on a repurposed table this week and I wanted to make it two toned. This is what it looked like as I meditated on how to paint it. I wanted it to be painted in two colors but I could not get the look I wanted. I finally painted it green and I love it. I think it would make a nice small potting table for a patio.

This table is made from an upside down drawer and four  spindles  for legs.
  This picture was taken while I was still trying to paint it two toned!

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